Comparison: 2011 Conference Proceedings from ICALT and ICCE

This is an un-interpreted and automatically-generated report to show the variation in terms used in the full papers of two conferences: ICALT and ICCE. A separate subsection shows those terms that appear more frequently in papers from each conference in turn. Selection criteria based on statistical significance are used to determine which terms are selected; the probability that the difference in frequency might be due to pure chance must be less than 0.1% in addition to other criteria to select dominant terms (see "technicalities").

All plots will open in a new window/tab as 1000x1000 pixel images if clicked on.

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies

Frequency Plot

ICALT Frequencies and Significance
Frequency = the fraction of terms
Significance = -log10 of the probability that the difference in frequency between the conferences is "pure chance" (i.e. 3 is 1 in 1,000, 4 is 1 in 10,000 etc)
Docs = the number of documents containing the term (colour code and area of square)
Also available as hi-res pdf.


Term Co-occurrence Graph

ICALT Term Co-occurrence
Node size = significance
Node colour is accoring to grouping
Edge (connector) size = number of papers containing the connected terms.
NB: only the most-connective 25% of edges are shown



Frequency Plot

ICCE Frequencies and Significance
Frequency = the fraction of terms
Significance = -log10 of the probability that the difference in frequency between the conferences is "pure chance" (i.e. 3 is 1 in 1,000, 4 is 1 in 10,000 etc)
Docs = the number of documents containing the term (colour code and area of square)
Also available as hi-res pdf.


Term Co-occurrence Graph

ICALT Term Co-occurrence
Node size = significance
Node colour is accoring to grouping
Edge (connector) size = number of papers containing the connected terms.
NB: only the most-connective 25% of edges are shown



Source Code, Data and Technicalities

Source code for processing and formatting is available on GitHub.

Raw results are available in pairs, one of each kind being the data behind the two sections above. Gephi files are available separately for ICALT and ICCE. All are under the same licence terms as this report.

The log file contains run parameters.

The technicalities of the method and explanatory notes on the content of the above downloads may be found on the GitHub wiki. These notes explain the term-selection criteria.

Copyright, Licence and Credits

This work was undertaken as part of the TEL-Map Project; TEL-Map is a support and coordination action within EC IST FP7 Technology Enhanced Learning.

Creative Commons Licence This work, its images and original text are ©2011 Adam Cooper, Institute for Educational Cybernetics, University of Bolton, UK.
Adam Cooper has licenced it under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License